Thursday, March 29, 2007

Easter decorations

Is approaching the Easter and my children and I we have begun to make the Easter decorations.for us it is important during the whole year to decorate the house to the passage of the seasons.

Ci stiamo avvicinando a Pasqua e come ogni anno io e i miei bimbi decoriamo la casa, per noi è importante durante tutto l'anno addobbare la casa al passaggio delle stagioni.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Potholder arrived!!!

This is the Potholder that I did for Nicole to Istambul. The theme was the coffee, I am a coffee addict! LOL...... :)))) I am happy that this has arrived and Nicole has appreciated together with the recipes that I sent her!!!
I wanted to thank Monica for this very beautiful swap! Many thanks,really!!!
We could perhaps repeat this potholder swap in the next months,
with a summer theme....

Questo è il Potholder che io spedii a Nicole, finalmente è arrivato a destinazione e io sono felice che le sia piaciuto :))) Come ben vedete il  tema rispecchia la mia personalità: io sono una caffè-addict LOL.....
Io voglio ringraziare Monica per aver fatto questo swap e magari noi potremmo riperterlo nei prossimi mesi con tema d'estate......


Good morning to all, my dears friends! Finally I spent on beautiful calm Sunday. I had some animated last days and I didn't succeed in doing nothing of good that to finish an Ufo.
I called it "Dogs&Cats". I drew the images from a fabric that I had advanced in a precedent project.
The end is this. I made an error, unfortunately I remained without batting (what pain for a quilter! LOL!!! ) and me it makes up for putting to the inside another type, bigger and in effects can be noticed as is the quilt a few swollen.
But I see that in the wall it is not badly. You thing thought of it?

Buon giorno a tutte, care amiche!!!! Finalmente sono riuscita a trascorrere una domenica calma e serena.
Ho avuto dei giorni un po'movimentati la scorsa settimana e 
non sono riuscita a combinare niente di bello se non finire un UFO.
Il risultato è questo; l'ho chiamato  "Cani&Gatti", purtroppo sono
rimasta senza imbottitura fine e all'interno ho messo un altro tipo un po' più grossa,in effetti si nota che è un po'gonfio (l'ho persino pressato con il ferro da stiro) ma sulla parete appeso il pannello non sta poi male. Voi cosa ne pensate?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Happy Birthday,my blog!!!!

And' already past one year? Seem me impossible that this time is departed, but this beautiful adventure is initiated for game and then day for day I have known a lot of friends and has become a beautiful reality ;)))) Thank to all of you, friends, them are passed from here and them have left an one sign!!!!

E già passato un anno? Mi sembra impossibile, ma giorno dopo giorno il mio blog è diventato un appuntamento fisso ed ho conosciuto tante amiche !
Davvero una bella avventura! Grazie a tutte le amiche che sono passate e hanno lasciato un piccolo segno :)))))

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Potholder Swap

A beautiful surprise I found the last days in my Mail-box!
I found a beautiful envelope from Istambul, Nicole is my patner of Potholder Swap.
It has done for me this beautiful potholder, done to crochet with hexagons sewn by hand.
I think that I won't use it in the kitchen because it is too much beautiful to dirty it with the pots, It will be a small tablecloth on the piece of furniture of the kitchen:)))
Thanks of heart Nicole!!!!

Nei giorni scorsi io trovai nella mia cassetta della posta una bella sorpresa. Nicole da Istambul era la mia compagna nel Potholder Swap e lei ha fatto per me questa bella presina a uncinetto con degli esagoni applicati a mano nel centro.
Sinceramente è troppo bella per usarla e sporcarla così ho deciso che la userò come tovaglietta :))))

Thursday, March 08, 2007

8 Marzo


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Other photos

I have added the photo with some things that I purchased to the Show but other photos you can admire in the connection of Flick.
A lot of fun!!!

Ho fatto un album delle foto di  " Abilmente"  con Flick . Questo è il collegamento per vederle.
Buon divertimento ;-)))))

Abilmente, the Quilt Show

I want to divide with all of you the beautiful day spent to the Quilt Show last friday. I have put here some photos.
You will also find the photos with my friend blog Marisa, we am met in Vicenza for the first time there, and also Maria Grazia, it is a member of the board of directors of the Italian association of Quilt.
For few self I have not known Teodolinda and Denise , but I am sure we will meet soon there :)))))
Then so many photos of qults, I hope that each of you will find a lot of fun  ;)))))

Voglio dividere con tutte voi la bella giornata trascorsa ad Abilmente di venerdì scorso!!!!
E' stata davvero una giornata alla grande, ho conosciuto finalmente Marisa e Maria Grazia che sono delle persone fantastiche!!!! Poi altre socie di QI che conoscevo solo di nome (molte iscritte nella lista dello scambio dei siggies).
Poi moltissimi quilt, stand, corsi e dimostrazioni!
Per un soffio non ho conosciuto Teodolinda e Denise ma noi recupereremo presto, ne sono sicura :))))
Buon divertimento!!!!!

Saturday, March 03, 2007


My dear friend Diana had noticed my pinncushion in the photo of the preceding posting.
I so wanted to signal to Diana and all those that are interested that in this connection of Whip up there is the tutorial to do them.
Self I did it for the " Pincushion challenge" the theme was the winter but I forgot to post the photo in time.
The March/April Pincushion Challenge theme will be "Eats"!

La mia cara amica di blog Diana, notò il mio puntaspilli nella foto del precedente posting.
Per farlo è molto semplice, troverete un ottimo tutorial su With Up

 Questo lo feci per il tema dell'inverno del "Pincushion Challenge" ma poi io dimenticai di postare 
la foto in tempo LOL!!!!  

Friday, March 02, 2007

Is spring already here?

Ohhh yes, the spring puts of good humor!!!! As the nature also wakes up again to me begins to beat me in head new ideas!!!
I began the last evenings a beautiful project that I noticed in the magazine Fons&Porter of last year!!!The original model was in the blue vivacious colors, it was also a model of color slim pink but me decided to use the fabricses of a swap that I made last year, the theme of this was the color orange and I think that it is not badly for this simple project.
The tulips are made with the technique to paper piecing, I love this because with it small details can be made.

Today I spent a beautiful day, a departed day only for me!!!
Unbelievable truth? But you all dear friends have to know that twice a year here to Vicenza a show - market of products for various female hobbies, a lot of patchwork a true joy for the eyes; decidedly less for my money LOL!!!
Tomorrow I will tell of this and I will add some photos (I have done so many!!!)
This and the connection if you go to see; Abilmente

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The spring is near!

In the last days there has been here an anticipation in the spring; the days were heated by a beautiful sun and the flowers of the garden they are waked up again :)))